Wednesday, August 12, 2020

I Got To Be Bart Phillips' Big Brother!

10 years ago today, my little brother, Bart, was called home from this Earth by His Creator. I can't believe it's been ten years.

His three boys were 6, 8, and 10 when that moment came. Most of you know it was a brain aneurysm that ruptured and caused his death. Today, I want to look forward, not backward. Of course, there's no door shutting on the past...we remember it all. But here's the forward part: I want you to know that those three boys have absolutely thrived in the years since their Daddy passed.

I guess they're 16, 18, and 20 now or thereabout and each in his own way is seizing the day. Gabe is on fire at ORU, singing, songwriting, and learning to be a Pastor. Luke, talented keyboardist, had his gap year cut short, but made it to South America where his curiosity and joie de vivre brought a smile to everyone with whom he crossed paths during those few months. Stay tuned for his imprint on the's coming. Nate excels in his high school musicals in Colorado Springs and can wail on lead guitar. (Plays lots of classic rock solos, so Uncle Wes digs that big time!) Lest you think that's all, our beloved Suzi , the boys' mom, met a guy named McCormack that we love and he brought another son, handsome Liam, into the mix - and then there were SIX! It is truly amazing how God takes our mourning and turns it into dancing - isn't it? (in His time, of course.) Yeah, it took awhile for us to accept this sad turn, but we decided to work on acceptance instead of persisting in our grief. I can't wait to see what unfolds as this story continues to be written. I miss you today, little brother, but I will see you again when I am called and I look forward to that sweet reunion with great anticipation. Thank you for the absolute blast we had growing up...and for being the aroma of Christ in our lives for the 40 years you were here! One of these days! ☺

This was a moment when we buried the cremated remains of our father just off the Rainbow Trail in Colorado.  My dad taught us to love the mountains and took us there all our life.  Thanks, Dad!  (Bart sporting his 'Superman' boots.  SO awesome they were!)

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